IMAGES: Qantas Spirit of Youth Awards celebrates a successful 2013

Published on 4th December 2013 at 11:31

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Craft & Object Design Winners Alex Kashin and Andrew Southwood-Jones

Craft and Object Design Winners Alex Kashin and Andrew Southwood- Jones with Steve Pozel


Written Word Winner Ali Sebastian Wolf with Mentor Lisa Dempster

Written Word Winner Ali Sebastian Wolf with Mentor Lisa Dempster


Music Winner Elizabeth Rose with Dan Zilber

Music Winner Elizabeth Rose with Dan Zilber


Animation Mentor - Marco Marenghi

Animation Mentor Marco Marenghi


Animation Winner - Peter Lowey

Animation Winner Peter Lowey


Animation Winner Peter Lowey with Mentor Marco Marenghi

Animation Winner Peter Lowey with his Mentor Marco Marenghi


Architecture and Interior Design Winner - Michael Ong

Architecture and Interior Design Winner Michael Ong


Architecture and Interior Design Winner Michael Ong with Mentor Brian Zulaikha

Architecture and Interior Design Winner Michael Ong and his Mentor Brian Zulaikha


Barry Otto & Susan Hills

Barry Otto and Susan Hill


Fashion Winners - Tom Gun - Shannon Gun and Gabrielle Thomson

Fashion Winners – Tom Gunn – Shannon Gunn and Gabrielle Thompson


Fashion Winners Tom Gunn with Dion Lee

Fashion Winners Tom Gunn – Shannon Gunn and Gabrielle Thompson with Dion Lee


Film & Video Winner - Gracie Otto

Film and Video Winner Gracie Otto


Film and Video Winner Gracie Otto with Mentor Robert Luketic

Film and Video Winner Gracie Otto with Mentor Robert Luketic


Photography Winner - Sophie Richards Photography Winner Sophie Richards


Photography Winner Sophie Richards with Tony Nolan

Photography Winner Sophie Richards with Tony Nolan


Romance was Born

Romance was Born


Visual Arts Winner - Alasdair McLuckie

Visual Arts Winner Alasdair McLuckie


Visual Design and Communication Winner - Wing Lau

Visual Design and Communication Winner Wing Lau


Visual Design and Communication Winner Wing Lau with Mentor Vince Frost

Visual Design and Communication Winner Wing Lau with Mentor Vince Frost


Viual Arts Winner Alasdair McLuckie with Mentor Elizabeth Ann MacGregor

Visual Arts Winner Alasdair McLuckie with Mentor Elizabeth Ann MacGregor